
Pole Dance for Children

Clusters, parallel bars, swings, gymnastics, acrobatics, dancing – all of these is pole dance.
Sport is a health and it raises a discipline and builds a character.
Pole Dance for Children is the perfect solution if your child gets bored easily and prefers gaming outside instead of routine workouts.
Each new element is a challenge, and combining it with another makes the imagination.
Diversity is the leading incentive to choose poles – it’s never boring in the hall. Creativity is developing. It absorbs beautiful, complex movements inherent to professional athletes.
The children are extremely flexible and everything is easier for them.
The muscles have a “memory”, so if you want to develop your child’s flexibility, endurance and strength in every muscle, pole dance is the solution!

Pole Dance develops qualities, which are useful to each child. This sport is similar to acrobatics and gymnastics and contributes to the healthy development of children. When the will and physique are steeled from early childhood, it is really helpful for the rest of life.